What we do

We help families care for their children. We provide quality alternative care for children who cannot live with their biological families.

We strengthen families
SOS Family Strengthening Programmes help keep children in the care of their family.  We support disadvantaged families at risk of separation by bolstering their capacity to protect and care for their children. Strengthening safety nets within the community is key.  We run over 2,300 programmes that cater to more than one million children and adults around the world.
We have an individual plan for every child in our care
Children, who cannot be cared for by their biological families are supported by family-based carers either with foster families or within our SOS Children’s Villages. SOS families provide individualised care to promote the development, education and health of each child. In partnership with communities we develop local infrastructure and run kindergartens, day care centres, schools, vocational training centres and medical facilities. We provide over 80,000 children and youth with family-based care.
We provide children with a voice to exercise their rights
Guided by the spirit of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, SOS Children's Villages advocates for the rights of children and believes that a child’s development is best achieved in a family environment.

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Chapisha Maoni

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