Jumanne, 27 Agosti 2013

SOS Education in East Africa

The earliest schools in east Africa were built in the 19th century by European missionaries but the number of schools has not kept pace with the high population growth. Demand for education is highly competitive which means that many children are left out.

Ijumaa, 16 Agosti 2013

Advocacy Workshop 13rd - 14th August 2013 ,at Double View Hotel

Participants from different NGO's  during  Advocacy campaign  workshop


In summer of 2011, SOS Children’s Villages senior managers asked for the international campaign that would fulfill both a global need and satisfy the SOS Children’s Villages strategic plan. The project had initial name of “A Child’s rights to quality care”, which, following the kick off meeting, was changed to Care for ME!

Alhamisi, 15 Agosti 2013

SOS - Dar es salaam

In view of the widespread poverty which seriously affects children and young people, SOS-Kinderdorf International decided to build an SOS Children's Village on mainland Tanzania in 1994. Arusha, which is a city in northern Tanzania with approximately 90,000 inhabitants, was chosen as the location for the new SOS Children's Village. An SOS Kindergarten and an SOS Hermann Gmeiner Primary and Secondary School have been added to SOS Children's Village Arusha. As a result of the widespread poverty and the great demand for care centres for orphans, SOS-Kinderdorf International decided to build an SOS Children's Village and an SOS Kindergarten in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania's largest city. Construction work started at the beginning of 2005 and was completed in 2006.

SOS - Arusha

Arusha is, in every respect, an expanding city which lives mainly from tourism. Since the first piece of land made available proved to be unsuitable, the government provided a new piece of land for free in 1996, on the outskirts of Arusha. The cornerstone laying ceremony took place on 24 October 1998, in the presence of numerous guests of honour such as the local clan leaders, the village elders, the mayor of Arusha, and representatives of the SOS Children's Villages Regional Office for East Africa. In May 2000, the first children were able to move into their new family homes.

SOS Tanzania

The work of SOS Children's Villages in Tanzania started in 1984. The then President of the island of Zanzibar, Ali Hassan Mwinyi, approached Hermann Gmeiner with the request that an SOS Children's Village should be built there. A government agreement was signed on 25 February 1987. The SOS Children's Village was constructed between 1988 and 1990 and the first families were able to move into the family houses in 1991. It is situated seven kilometres from the harbour town of Zanzibar. According to the law of nations, the island of Zanzibar is part of the Republic of Tanzania. However, the regional constitution of 1985 provides for a directly-elected president for Zanzibar and therefore, allows for a great amount of independent rule.