Alhamisi, 24 Oktoba 2013

Child Care Assessment findings and recommendations: SOS Children’s Villages.

There is no proper monitoring in preventing separation among families or promoting re-unification and ensuring the existence of appropriate alternative care. Long term impact of various forms of alternative care placement and support interventions on OVC  have not been well studied. The CSOs can do in-depth research in this area in collaboration with UNICEF and other key actors in order to ensure that data is made available that would support strong advocacy at the National level.
Lesson learnt is that in alternative care short term effectiveness of child-centered group homes have been on fulfilling a child’s basic need for shelter, food and guardianship only what about other parts like familiar atmosphere. This gap is lack of compliance to UN guideline on alternative care.
Adequate resources allocation are required to ensure training of social welfare workforce and enable them to conduct consistent and appropriate monitoring and supervision of all the facilities which provide(s) alternative care to children.

There is a need to create awareness in community to accept volunteering to provide care to needy children and ensure that they are protected and cared for the best interest of the child.
The seven adopted new regulation to enforce the law of child act 2009 should widely disseminated to ensure that every person providing alternative care is fully aware of the conditions.

There should be a well designed advocacy strategy at a national that advocates for the adoption of alternative care as a solution to the increasing number of children who are at risk of losing parental care. The current Foster care guidelines need to be revised so that they are in line with the UN Alternative Care Guidelines endorsed by the UNGASS in November 2010. Similarly, the CSOs should target the  Department of Social Welfare as well as the Ministry of Justice to revise the  Adoption guidelines in the country, so that the length of adoption is shortened. 

Hakuna maoni:

Chapisha Maoni

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